

I was in the video shop with my girlfriend trying to agree on a movie to watch. As I was perusing the new releases, my girlfriend wandered off to the drama section without telling me. I didn't know, and without looking, I mistook the girl next to me for my girlfriend. Anyway, I picked up a comedy that I have wanted to see for ages -my girlfriend hates comedies- and said, "I don't care what you say, I'm getting this one." Suddenly, the girl started laughing and I looked up in horror as she said, "Sure, whatever you say darl!" 
Chad Michael Murray (Celebrity)

It happened when we were filming 'A Cinderella Story'. A girl came running up, threw her arms around me and asked to take a picture with me. Then she said, ' Thank you, Hayden,' thinking I was Hayden Christensen! My face turned red and I thought, I'm a nerd. I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't Hayden.

My coworker's sister came to town and went to happy hour with a bunch of us from the office. We ended up hitting it off and decided to exchanged phone numbers. The next day, out of the blue, she texted me, 'What's your favourite position?" I thought that was a little forward, but went with it and replied "Standing up, from the back, What's yours?" She wrote back, "Point guard. What are you talking about?" I was mortified. I had completely forgotten about our basketball conversation the night before"

My date and I were rushing to make a late movie. I bought the tickets then went to buy drinks while she went in and found some seats. By the time I got into the cinema it was dark and the movie had started. I looked around to find my date and I saw a girl waving at me. I went over, but my arms were full of lollies and popcorn so as I handed her the drink, I dropped it and drenched her in coke! The worst part was that this girl wasn't even my date! My real date was three rows back, laughing at me!

I had been going out with my boyfriend for almost 3 months, when he invited me over to his parent's house for dinner. My boyfriend could tell I was tense, so when we sat down for dinner he started playing footsies with me under the table. I then slipped off my shoe and put my foot on his lap. But as I did his father jumped up and yelled "This is not a brothel" I realised then that I'd put my foor in the wrong lap.

I was at the shops and needed to buy pads. I ran down the aisle and grabbed them and put them in the trolley next to mum. 30 seconds later, a guy came up to me with the pads saying, "Are theres yours? You put them in my trolley." I could have died.
Anon, WA